Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where are Angel2Up Yoyos shipped from?

All orders from are shipped from Phoenix, Arizona.

2. How long does shipping take?

Your order will be shipped 1-2 business days after you've ordered. Shipping time varies depending on your location and shipping option. Economy shipping is 5-8 days, Standard shipping is 3-4 days. You can track your order once you receive an email confirmation of your shipped order.

3. What currency are your prices?

All prices are listed in USD. However, this website should determine your location and local currency. Otherwise, you can change the currency selector located at the bottom of the webpage. 

4. Do all Angel2Up Yoyos come with a string?

Yes, every order that includes a yoyo comes with a free string! (Bundles include 5 strings)

5. What size bearings do Angel2Up Yoyos use?

Size C Bearing. Although, the beginner responsive yoyo options come with a swappable Slim Size C Bearing. 

6. What size pads do Angel2Up Yoyos use?

19mm OD pads.

7. What's Angel2Up's main yoyo recommendation?

The GODSPEED! It's suitable for every skill level of play, beginner to advanced. It's the ideal budget unresponsive metal yoyo for everybody. 

8. What is your return policy?

If you'd like to return a yoyo(s) you ordered, send a return request here:




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